Friday, February 20, 2009

Only By the Night : Kings of Leon (part l)

by Kyan.

To be frank, this is one of the few albums that I really spent my time and listen to all the tracks in it, even though alternative rock has just been my preferred genre lately. It won’t be too much to say that the album changed my mind about alternative rock music, and it is in fact one of the strongest rock album currently, in terms of the music quality, personally and originality. It is interesting to realize that how easy I fall for Caleb’s unique voice. Yes, lead singer’s voice usually became one of the criteria that I look for when it comes to music. It would definitely be a plus if the rock band has lead singer with strong and unique vocal.

‘Closer’, the first track of the album, and it sets the right mood for some alternative rock music. In fact it is one of the outstanding tracks in the album. It does tell us, what kind of direction that their music is heading. ‘Crawl’ on the other hand, changes the whole mood and it shows a different side of their music. ‘Sex on Fire’, not much explanation needs to be done; as it is grabbing all the attention, and it certainly deserves that. Can be crowned as one of the must-listen rock track for the year 2008 and 2009. ‘Use Somebody’ has the potential to be as great as the lead single ‘Sex on Fire’, just that it somehow lacks a little bit of that adrenaline pump that I was looking for, thought it wasn’t disappointing overall. Perhaps it is chose to cater a different listener crowd. ‘Manhattan’ is yet another experimenting track as the whole arrangement of the track is somehow fresh, another must-listen track from the album. In general the first half of the album already blew-my-mind away and can’t wait to see what’s in store for the second half of the album…

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