Sunday, July 6, 2008

If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5 featuring Rihanna

Another sizzling one from both Maroon 5 & Rihanna!

This should be considered as the remix version of the single,
as Maroon 5 had completed the track before this, but made
the decision to have Rihanna take over some of the verses,
spice up the track a little bit. Looks like it was the right move
since the final outcome turn out to be a nice one. The flirtatious
is there, classy yet not hoocy...

Oh yeah, the music video is nicely done as well, but, dear Rihanna,
please do something with the hair...

rate: 7.8 / 10

If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5 ft. Rihanna

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