Friday, April 24, 2009

Welcome to Heartbreak - Kanye West feat. Kid Cudi

The drama in his music is absolutely brilliant. And somehow that really set him apart from the typical hip-pop music that we are familiar with. Lot of memorable pieces that we can have from his latest album, and this could definitely be one of them. The next one up to be selected as his latest single? Hopefully, as it does has potential to be a great one. He just nailing it when it comes to slow-tempo electro-hip hop music isn’t he?

rate: 8.5 / 10

Monday, April 20, 2009

Magnificent - U2

They’re back and scored with this one, finally. Their music always did really good job telling us what U2 is all about, and have that unique style that hardly found on other bands. We had that not so overwhelming first one, but it’s thrilled that they make it back up again with this one. Really settle, and just simple. It’s not ‘Sometimes You Can’t Make It on Your Own’’s moving, but still it has a certain level of emotions in it. They nailed it, finally.

Rate: 8.5 / 10 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

All I Ever Wanted : Kelly Clarkson (sneak peak)

Get ready for the next featured artist of OnPlay! : Kelly Clarkson! Full review of her latest album, All I Ever Wanted, will be here soon!