Sunday, March 22, 2009

Don't Trust Me - 3OH3

3OH!3 came up with this single back in 2008, but wasn’t until recently that it became a big hit. It has a strong potential to be another radio-friendly hit, with all the elements in the track works pretty well. It’s fun, young, quirky, fully packed with the energy and the most important one, it do really showcase their personalities to the fullest. Strongly recommended if you’re a fan of electronic pop music, or just want something different in your playlist.

rate: 8.5 / 10

Friday, March 20, 2009

I Do Not Hook Up - Kelly Clarkson

Yet another fresh combination that showcases the best of both Kelly and Katy. Katy’s significant music style and Kelly’s big, powerful vocal complemented each other to the fullest, and could be highlighted as two of the strongest ‘selling point’ of the single. The potential is definitely there for this to be the next big hit for Kelly after her first one. Great for her!   

rate : 8.5 / 10

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

F**k You - Lily Allen

Alright the name of the track itself might be a little bit off, but the track itself, somehow turns out to be another way round. It’s very impressive as she manages to sing the harsh word on and on and on without letting you feel uncomfortable or uneasy. Love the fun in the music and the track does feel fresh, cute and she definitely nailed it. Lily Allen is definitely another name to be watch out for! 

rate: 8.5 / 10

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Only By the Night : Kings of Leon (Part II)

by Kyan.

The second half of the album begins with the track called ‘Revelry’, it wasn’t the love in the first ‘listen’ track personally, as somehow it lack the pump that I looked for in a single. But still, it wasn’t a bad one. Just that I still don’t get why they chose this to be their third single from the album. ‘17’ can be seen as one of their more settled music and it didn’t run wild or get really big like their featured singles, or perhaps some of the tracks in the first half of the album. And that continues with the next track, ‘Notion’, which still manages to showcase Caleb’s vocal. It wasn’t disappointing, just that it’s a bit underwhelming, somehow. And the mood started to get more and more settle, tend to get ‘lazy’ with ‘I Want You’. The contrast of the mood created by the music can’t be too much and imbalance or it will become the downfall for the entire album. And emotion started to be pump up with ‘Be Somebody’, with an interesting music arrangement, jumping of the beat from one speed to another. Another fresh one. The album ended perfectly with the last track, ‘Cold Dessert’; something that you would definitely put into your goodnight track list. It started perfectly and of course ended perfectly as well. The tracks in the album succeed in telling us who is Kings of Leon, in general.