Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Love Hurts - Incubus


Kinda get interested with a few of their singles lately, including this one as well. Emotions in this track might not be as strong & powerful as ‘Oil and Water’ (hands down on that one…definitely), but it does have certain level of impact as well. I wonder why sometimes I can easily fall for music like this, perhaps I’m a fan of alternative rock too…selectively perhaps…haha It’s a sad piece about love story, but worth listen to. So, another thumbs up for Incubus!

rate : 8.2 / 10
Love Hurts - Incubus

Friday, November 21, 2008

I Hate This Part - Pussycat Dolls

It is more toned down this time around compared to the lead single ‘When I Grow Up’ , and it somehow doesn’t really impressing as it should be, if it was named as one of the doll’s single. Obviously we all know them for their steaminess channeled in their music. Well we could find that a little still in the lead single, but apparently it disappears in this one. Hmm…not really a great comeback it seems…

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Miles Away - Madonna

Yay, another single from Madonna!!!
So far we got three from her in this latest album, and hands down on this one definitely. Something that I have been waiting for is finally here. ‘4 minutes’ might give you all pumping in that 4 minutes (not exactly…hmm), but the ‘Timbaland’ element is somehow slightly overshadowed our dance music queen. Liking that one honestly, but loving this one more, & badly. The emotions are ‘nicely packed’ and it is very impressing in general. Glad that ‘Timbaland’ didn’t took too much away from her, yet inserting something cool that reminds us about him, just like what happened in One Republic’s ‘Apologize’ …can’t wait to have it on my latest playlist !

rate : 9.0 / 10

Miles Away - Madonna