Wednesday, January 23, 2008

20 must listen 2007 - part X

The bomb of 2007! It wasn’t one of the biggest hit of the year, but still it stood out the most, personally. The emotions in the track was just spot on, without letting the sadness over drag the entire mood of the track. This sad romantic piece was packed with the great amount of energy, and the music arrangement is just brilliant. Kudos to Incubus!

It’s really easy to connect to her music somehow. She manages to create that magic moment that you easily fall for that. It’s great to see her grow in her music, and they keep gets better each time. This is apparently her strongest yet, and the most mind-blowing music that we can get from her. She’s definitely the must-listen girl for R&B music.

Monday, January 21, 2008

20 must listen 2007 - part IX

No doubt that this single is just brilliant, what’s even better the original version and the Timbaland’s remixed version just stood out without over shine each other. The huge success of the single just speaks for it, and Ryan Tedder is definitely the name to be watch out for. Lets see what’s he capable of next.

You just can’t hate this single. One of her strongest yet and in fact one of the best in 2007. Nothing much to be complaint about the whole single, well except whatever Akon contributed to it. Still it does showcase her music to the finest and without overdid it.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

20 must listen 2007 - part VIII

Her second album showed us a more mature side of her, with the toning down of being fun and playful in her music, with this being one of the great examples. It’s more settle and sensual this time around for sure, and still it’s the Natasha that impresses us with her strong pop music. Not to forget with the Adam Levine in it, they just blend perfectly.

They had a strong start with their lead single, “Makes Me Wonder”, but this single just blended in their sense of music and personality more with some mystery twist to it. The drama building-up throughout the track is just amazing. Hell yes another must-listen from them.

Friday, January 18, 2008

20 must listen 2007 - part VII

Do we really need the intro for this? Apparently there must be something about this that made it the biggest single in 2007, and not to forget the biggest single ever for Miss Rihanna as well. She nailed it this time around (like she never before) and yes it was a bombshell as we never expected this type of music from her. Transformed in a good way, obviously.  

It is not easy to have a more emotional piece of alternative rock music. Apparently, the rock element is toned down in this one and yes that really works as the music is more relatable and connected by the listeners, and most importantly, feeling the emotion in the track. Well done the fray.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

20 must listen 2007 - part VI

It might be another settle one from him, but no doubt that he’s another great talent that manages to move us with his sentimental r&b music. It might not be one of the biggest single of the year, but still the simplicity and the emotions in the track are undeniable.  

We just couldn’t get enough from mr.Timberlake himself, could we? This would be he fourth consecutive single from his album that managed to show us, the pop music that he’s trying to define. He’s going far with his music; let’s just see what’s in store for us next from him.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

20 must listen 2007 - part V

this single projected the edgy side of the alternative rock music to the maximum, and of course without overdid it. Matthew Bellamy's vocal range just shone in this single and it blends in well with the music. Rock music would never sound so dreamy, with an edge! Something to go for if quirkiness and funkiness are what you're looking for in the music.

the reason why this single is so mind-blowning is because of its simplicity. Yes, it is simple, and that is what that makes it beautiful. It is fresh, and different from what the typical mainstream pop music will gives us. The carefree and innocent in the track is unpredictable, and just lovely. Thumbs up for Ingrid!

Monday, January 14, 2008

20 must listen 2007 - part IV

Of course they made it to the list wasn’t because of it being featured on the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2007. This is a totally opposite from what we used to know them with: One Thing, and that’s surprising in a good way. Packed with the enough amounts of energy and attitude in this one, they simply delivered it perfectly. Hands down their best single to date.

Love ballad of the year hands down! It’s rare to have a male newcomer who has such an outstanding vocal like him, and to have the vocal to be in action, one word – amazing. It wouldn’t be too much to say (I guess) he’ll basically sounds great with any music thrown at him, including this one of course. Strongly recommended for romantic ballads lover.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

20 must listen 2007 - part III

We might be blown away by her dance music, but the slow pop numbers that she’s in aren’t bad either; & sometimes it outshines the dance tunes, like this one. She might be playing safe with this track, but it doesn’t turned out to be a lackluster at all. Simple at it’s best, and not to forget the meaningful lyrics of the track. What else you can ask for?

Yay the number counting track made it! Sometimes it does pay off when you play it simple and not overdid in your music. Though some might say the track would only be a huge success if it wasn’t because of the Apple’s iPod commercial, but hey, if the track’s quality itself doesn’t stood up to that, would it be well received worldwide? 

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Say - John Mayer

John Mayer

The best part of John’s music would most probably be the smoothness and how pleasant (& gentle perhaps) they could be to your ears, to listen to I mean. This single written for a movie sticks to what he did best, charming with its beautiful melody and smooth, carefree tunes, of course, not to forget his comforting vocal. We love when he constantly surprises us with the collabo with other artists, exploring the music genre that he never encountered before; but that doesn’t mean his jazz, blue & contemporary music that he excels in failed to vow us. This piece is definitely another nice track of his that be easily connected by the listeners.

rate: 8.0 / 10
Say - John Mayer

Friday, January 11, 2008

20 must listen 07 - part II

No doubt that this is where Kanye’s music at its best. The thing so cool about Kanye is that, he might have a huge ego (for some people…), but his music usually stood up to that. We were constantly surprise by what he’s capable of when it comes to music; fresh & amazing all the time. The best rap track of the year definitely. 

It took us three years time for the chance to listen to their new music again. Big signs of relief cause this lead single doesn’t disappoints at all. Packed with the ‘rush’ and energy, and not to for get the catchy tunes, this is definitely another great one from them.   

Thursday, January 10, 2008

20 must listen 07 - Part I

Who doesn’t know about this smash hit single of the year, well that’s just… …brilliant. It definitely helps this bee-hives diva to be one of the biggest rising stars. The originality of the number was just spot on, with the arrangement, tunes and vocal that compliments each other perfectly, sweet. We just can’t resist but to adore how cool she is dealing with her habit, but she just need to stay away, or we might be welcome with the sequel of this single in her upcoming album.

It definitely won’t be too much if Timberland was crowned one of the outstanding producer and single composer, especially in R&B music. He always manages to blow us away with the music he produces as most of them are heavy in beats, that just says Timberland in your face, even though that might be a slow tempo number. This particular one might not be as successful as those R&B singles that rule the year, but still, it is worth to listen to.